Sabah Residence
“Sabah Residence” is a modern and prestigious residential complex located in Baku city. ...
Dear followers, there has been an increase in cases of fraud during real estate transactions lately. In order to be cautious, we feel obligated to share some information about our realtors. Here are some tips to stay vigilant:
✅ A "AREA" representative must have the company's business card.
✅ Information about each of our realtors is available on our official website ( By visiting the website, you can verify whether the realtor is indeed an employee of "AREA."
✅ Cooperation with our realtors should be based on the contract provided by "AREA."
We strongly advise being especially cautious and attentive in such matters. Stay away from fraudsters, stay close to professionals!
+994 12 599 98 98 +994 51 500 98 98
“Sabah Residence” is a modern and prestigious residential complex located in Baku city. ...
Foreign investors predominantly acquire property in prestigious and strategically advantageous areas...
The story of Hacı Zeynalabdin Tağıyev, who was born into a poor shoemaker's family and became a ...
President Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening of a new highway of urban importance built on the...